Here you will find information on the availability of our products, both on-line and in our stores. We receive new items every week!
We suggest you check our website to keep up to date with the latest news and availability of our products.
If the size of the item you are interested in is out of stock, but has the Coming soon option, you can provide us with your email address and we will let you know if it is available again in the next 15 days. If it is not restocked within this period, the subscription will expire and you will have to re-register it. This process does not reserve the item.
On some items, we may display a low stock message for certain sizes. If any of them are of interest to you, we encourage you to buy them so that you don't miss out.
Bear in mind that the items in the basket are not reserved. If your basket includes items that are no longer available, we will notify you so that you can remove them and complete the purchase of the other items.
On, you can check the stock in our stores thanks to the option Check in-store availability. Just select the item you are interested in and the location and we will show you the nearest stores where it is available. Please remember that the stock information in our stores is for guidance only.
If you are in one of our Zara stores and the garment you are interested in is not available, our staff will be able to help you make an online purchase using an in-store device.