Here you will find information about the availability of our items, online as well as in-store. Get our news each week!


We recommend that you review our website to know about the latest arrivals and our item availability.
If the size of the item you’re interested in is out of stock but has the Coming soon option, you can provide us your email and we will notify you if it becomes available within 15 days. If it is not restocked within this timeframe, that feature will expire and you will have to register for it again. This procedure is not the same as a reservation.
We may show on some items the message that few units remain for certain sizes. If one of them interests you, we urge you to buy it before the item has sold out.
Keep in mind the items in the cart are not reserved. If your cart includes items that are no longer available, we will let you know so that you can remove them and complete the purchase of the available items.


At Zara.com you can view the stock from our stores thanks to the Check in-store availability option. You just have to select the item you are interested in and your location and we will show you the closest stores where it is available. Please remember the stock information from our stores is tentative.
If you are in one of our Zara stores and the garment you are interested in is not available, our staff can help you complete an online purchase with a device from the store.

Frequently Asked Questions